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Duran Duran HOB 3-11-01

It was an awesome concert alot of energy from our guys and the crowd. I loved being there. Thanks to all that was there to share it with me. I hope that everyone else that got to go to a concert on the CLOSE UP tour that your experience was as electric as mine.




In the first photo Simon is singing at the concert. God, I love his voice. The second photos is of Simon also singing at the MB concert. And the third photo Simon is out there at their tour bus telling some noisy people to be quiet so he could speak. He told us that he was sorry that he wished they could do photos and autographs but they couldn't. I respected him for that. I mean he didn't have to say anyting to us but out of love and respect he did. Thank you Simon. While he was speaking he reached over and touched some fingers and grabbed my hand and held it as he finished. It was great and felt right. After 20 years of being a true blue durannie it was just right. Thats the only way to explain it, it just felt good and right. He made me feel real special that night. Thank you Simon LeBon.



In the two photos above are Nick Rhodes. Nick is God! I love him too. I love all the guys past and present. Nick is waving at us before he got on the bus. I put up my hand to wave hi and a little by (didn't want him to go) and he reached out and grabbed a hold of my hand too. Actually Nick came out before Si. He held it there smiling down at me and I said thank you. I asked Liz how long did Nick hold my hand and she said I don't know but it was a long time. It was also great and felt right. Thank you Nick. He made me feel special that night also. The tour manager was a bit rude though. He said I don't care if they wanted to do photos or autographs I would not let them. Geesh, what a grouch. I think the reason he said that was because some people came out there and was screaming and some was offering some things I don't want to repeat to the HOB security guards. Oh, well through all that this is one concert I'll never forget!